Morpho Setup for Ayushman Bharat

Morpho Configuration

  1. Ayushman Setup (Installing Certificates and Servers) :-
    1. Extract Producation Folder 
    2. Copy ConfigSettings, server, server.key, three files 
    3. Paste in C:\MorphoRdServiceL0Soft and Just Replaced Old Files  
    4. Now Again Open Producation folder and Now Copy Host File 
    5. Go to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc and Make a new Folder "Old Data"
    6. Drag Host file to Old data Folder 
    7. Now Paste Host file Copied from Producation folder to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc
    8. Enable Local host in flags (Go to Chrome and search chrome://flags . And then search localhost enable it )
    9. Open Services.msc 
    10. Restart Morpho RD Services 
    11. Try 

    1. ConfigSettings
    2. server
    3. server Key

    Paste and replace these files into Drive C:/ Folder "MorphoRdServiceL0Soft"

    Again open Production folder and Right Click on hosts.exe and choose Run as administrator. Open

    Run window by pressing "Window logo key + R"
    and type "services.msc"

    Search for Morpho RD service and right click and choose Restart.

    You will pop-up "Registered Device Successful "

    Go to Link
    For first time VLE will register himself and then do registration

    Production Folder

    Click Here for Download only 

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